built with indexhibit

Comment la mèche a pris
How the fuse was lit

Reading, 15 min, 2020

As a way to open up my research process to all those who had shared their stories and opinions with me during my first stay at Square Albert for the project Occupez ces mains rebelles !, I organized a reading in the courtyard, accompanied by a glass of fresh mint tea from the community garden. The text crystalizes within the timeframe of a day a month of conversations in Cureghem, drifting through the neighborhood, the Rif region, history and the biographies of the inhabitants. It also includes a rap song written by a young neighbor in response to our exchanges.

Read the text here (french).

Many thanks to Mohamed and Omar for the tea, Samir for his help with the posters, Un jeune du quartier for his text “La vie du Square” and to all the people who welcomed me at Square Albert.

Public presentation concluding my residency at Château Nour, Brussels, on an invitation by Clovis XV as part of the program Perruche (Goethe-Institut Brüssel).

Château Nour, Brussels, 2020. Photos by Flor Maesen, Aline Bouvy and Anastasia Bey.