built with indexhibit

Website under construction. For latest news see @adrian.schindler.s


Youmein Festival
July 25-27th, Tangier

Taking part in the 9th edition of Youmein Festival along Ibtissam Zahir, Mehdi Ouhmane, Aicha Bint Yusuf, Oualid Lazrak, Jad Salfiti, Tewa Barnosa, Sofia Fahli (GAOUTA), Lori Kharpoutlian, Imane Elkabli, Aïda Jamal, Mehdi Sefrioui, Marina Díaz Cañedo-Argüelles, Syrine Barouni, Cristina Khai and Damián Montesdeoca.



Encounter: Tetuan, Tetuán, Titwan with Adrian Schindler
July 31st, The Institute for Endotic Research, Berlin

Screening of the two first chapters of the film trilogy "Tetuan, Tetuán, Titwan" followed by a Q&A.

More info


Artist talk

Reframing Palestine: Archival Disruptions and New Imaginaries
July 23rd, York University, Toronto

Online panel discussion with artist Nour Bishouty and curator Maite Borjabad for the Summer Institute 2024 of the Graduate Program in Cinema & Media Studies/Film. In the context of the Global Audiovisual Archiving conference organized by Archive/Counter-Archive.



Darat Al Funun
Nov-Dec. 2024, Amman, Jordan

Self-led residency and public program in collaboration with Nour Bishouty as part of the Projects At The Lab: Palestine: The Moment Before Tomorrow.


Solo show

La plaga, el provecho
Centro Cultural de España en México, Ciudad de México

Exhibition in collaboration with Eulàlia Rovira, curated by Rosa Lleó (The Green Parrot)
Produced thanks to a grant of Beca Premi Ciutat de Barcelona 2020 and the collaboration of Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya (MNAC, Barcelona), Museo de América (Madrid), Asociación Milana and Cooperativa Agrícola Guatiza Mala (Lanzarote). With the support of Institut Ramon LLull.

More info



March 2024, Ciudad de México

Teaching the performance class "Aquello que nos quita el sueño" for the participants of the Programa Educativo de SOMA.


Group show



Esquinçar superficies
Antiga seu de l'editorial Gustavo Gili, Barcelona
20th of December, 5:30pm

Presentation with Eulàlia Rovira about our collaborative practice and methodologies. Curated by Renan Camilo for Art Jove Curadoria 2023. Hosted by Manifesta Biennal. More info.



Preludio a un cancionero anticolonial (izran)
Festival Wadi, Córdoba
2nd of December, 1pm

A new iteration of the performance in collaboration with singer Ikram Essaghir, as part of the festival Wadi 2023, curated by Plata (Javi Orcaray, Gabrielle Mangeri and Jesús Alcaide). More info


Screening and colloquium

Casa Árabe, Madrid
23rd of November, 7pm

Colloquium with Karim Hauser, Aicha Trinidad Gououi and Fátima Bourhim about the trilogy "Tetuan, Tetuán, Titwan".
Watch here


Solo show

Tetuan, Tetuán, Titwan (Chapter 2)
La Casa Encendida, Madrid

A film in collaboration with Fátima Bourhim Mesaoudi, Ikram Essaghir, Ibrahim Ibnou Goush, Huda Laamarti, La Guardia Mora (Yasmina D. Aidi, Nouhad Boudih, Ernesto Maleno and their guests Hajar Loulichki and Youssef Boucetta) and Sono Mayrit b2b Disco Atlas (Juan Valero and Othmane El Aabsi).

Developed during a residency at Matadero Madrid and produced by Lejos lejos thanks to the grants "Apoyo a la Creación Producción 2022" from Fundación La Caixa, "Ayudas a la creación contemporánea 2022-2023" from Madrid City Council and the collaboration of 2deo, audiovisual laboratory of Tabakalera (Donostia-San Sebastián) and Fonte (Madrid). More info

11th of October:
Screening of Tetuan, Tetuán, Tittawan (Chapter 1) followed by a discussion with Elisa and Andrea Celda (Lejos lejos, producers of the trilogy), Caterina Monzani (editor), Huda Laamarti (singer, collaborator of chapter 2) and Aicha Trinidad Gouououi (artist and researcher, chronicler of chapter 2). More info


Radio interviews

Radio Africa
Interview with Tania Safura Adam about the film trilogy for her show "Radio Africa" on beteve.cat
Listen/watch here

D'on ets tu? RNE4
Interview with Mohamed El Amrani and his team about the film trilogy along collaborator Fátima Bourhim for the show "D'on ets tu?" on RNE4
Listen here



M|A|C, Mataró
7th of July, 9:45 pm

Screening of "La figa, l’espina, l’escut" (2020) along with videos by Eulàlia Rovira and Perejaume.



Este cuento no se lee entre líneas, son entrelíneas lo que estamos leyendo
Museo Casa Natal de Cervantes, Alcalá de Henares
14th of July, 4pm

With journalist Louisa Yousfi (Paris) and singer Huda Laamarti (Madrid). Organized with Aicha Trinidad Gououi, as part of the exhibition "Las Tácticas Barrocas. Mutaciones 2023" curated by Sergio Rubira.



Neither on Land not at Sea. Meeting by the Mediterranean Im/Possible
June 2023, Cittadellarte - Fondazione Pistoletto, Biella (IT)

UNIDEE Residency Programs curated by Chiara Cartuccia. Summer Season, Module III with Alessandra Ferrini.
More info



Resistencias del conocimiento: Alzar al poder los saberes marginados
Bellas Artes, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
24th of April, 6pm

Curated by Aicha Trinidad Gououi. With Soraya Sabrina Abdellaoui, Imad Zoukanni, Yera Moreno and Adrian Schindler.


Group show

Las Tácticas Barrocas. Mutaciones 2023
Casa Museo Lope de Vega, Madrid, Museo Casa Natal de Cervantes, Alcalá and more

Group show curated by Sergio Rubira, with Elena Alonso, cabello/carceller, Paula García-Masedo, Alicia Martín, Asunción Molinos Gordo, Víctor Santamarina, Adrian Schindler/Aicha Trinidad Gououi and weecolors. More info


Screening and performance

SOLAR. Acción cultural
Santa Cruz de Tenerife

25th: Screening of "La figa, l’espina, l’escut" (2020) y "La plaga, el provecho" (2022) in SOLAR. Acción cultural
26th: Performance "Por un poco de púrpura" in Playa de Valleseco, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Works in collaboration with Eulàlia Rovira, acompanied by the curator Rosa Lleó (The Green Parrot, Barcelona). More info



Márgenes festival
Cineteca, Madrid
24th of November

Screening of "La plaga, el provecho" (2022), a work in collaboration with Eulàlia Rovira, as part of the of the MRGente section. More info


Group show

Ce à quoi nous tenons. ¡Viva Villa! 2022
Collection Lambert, Avignon

Curated by Victorine Grataloup and Stéphane Ibars. More info



Loop Festival
Museu Nacional d'art de Catalunya, Barcelona

The video "La plaga, el provecho" (2022), a work in collaboration with Eulàlia Rovira, is exhibited among the collections of the Museu Nacional d'art de Catalunya. More info


Screening and talk

Duke University, Madrid
October 25th, 3pm

Screening of "Tetuan, Tetuán, Titwan (Chapter 1)" and talk in the context of Suset Sanchez' class "Descentrando la alteridad española: Cultura visual y colonialidad en la España contemporánea".



Preludio a un cancionero anticolonial
Calle de Ceuta 25, Tetuán de las Victorias, Madrid
9th of June - 8pm

A performance in collaboration with musician Hassan Lajhari, as part of the group show Si las palabras hablaran curated by Ludovica Bulciolu, Laura Castro and Emily Markert (Young Curators Residency Programme 2020, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo).

"Silenced voices and forgotten words are rescued the time of a walk, or song. The performance reminds us of orality as a powerful and intangible form of resistance, while the streets of Tetuan de las Victorias reclaim their own names."



Cuerpos, paisajes, memorias: Operaciones y prácticas fílmicas desplazando la colonialidad
Centro de residencias, Matadero Madrid
7th of June - 5pm

Roundtable with Valentina Alvarado Matos and Génesis Valenzuela. As part of the program Imágenes insumisas - Reescritura de las narrativas curated by Pablo Martínez and Suset Sánchez, including presentations and workshops by Sally Gutiérrez, Cecilia Barriga and Patricia Esquivias.


Group show

Si las palabras hablaran
Calle Montoya 8, Madrid (Tetuán de las Victorias)

Young Curators Residency Programme 2020, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo. Exhibition curated by Ludovica Bulciolu, Laura Castro and Emily Markert, with Lorea Alfaro, Josu Bilbao, Andrea Canepa, Ivan Cicchetti, Claudia Claremi, Laia Estruch, Arash Fayez, Marco Godoy, Lizette Nin, Jon Otamendi, Daniela Ortiz, Silbatriz Pons, Adrian Schindler and Teresa Solar.

More infos


Solo show

The Plague, the Profit
The Green Parrot, Barcelona

A project in collaboration with Eulàlia Rovira, produced with the support of Beca Premi Ciutat de Barcelona 2020 and the collaboration of Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya (MNAC, Barcelona), Museo de América (Madrid), Asociación Milana and Cooperativa Agrícola Guatiza Mala (Lanzarote).

More info


Reading group

Maimún se ha ido con Franco ahora que el naranjo está en flor
(Maimun has gone with Franco now that the orange tree is in blossom)
Matadero Madrid, Casa Árabe and other spaces
25.04, 3.05, 17.05, 27.05

The reading group “Maimún se ha ido con Franco ahora que el naranjo está en flor”* proposes a journey through the novel Cuando los montes caminen by Youssef El Maimouni (Roca Editorial, 2021), which tells for the first time episodes of the Civil War from the perspective of a young Moroccan enlisted in the Nationalist faction, accompanied by Laura Casielles (poet and journalist), Ibrahim Ibnou Goush (actor), Marta Echaves (researcher and writer) and Youssef El Maimouni himself (author and social educator). Throughout four sessions, each guest will contribute to interpret the story through the prism of their field of expertise, proposing at the same time reading dynamics, lines of flight and other contents that will help to place the book in a broader historical and political context. We will address among other issues the place from where we read, the genealogy of the racist imaginary about the " Moorish invader" and its current social repercussions, the potentialities of historical fiction, the ghosts of Spanish identity as well as other silenced colonial events such as the Rif War."

*Excerpt from “Canción del naranjo en flor” (Moroccan folk song) quoted in the novel.

The reading group, developed in collaboration with Casa Árabe, will have a nomadic character, situating the text and the voices that read it in spaces of different historical and cultural resonances. The activity is framed within the development of the second chapter of the film "Tetuan, Tetuán, Titwan" dedicated to Madrid, as part of my residency at Matadero from January to July 2022.

Registration informations

Laura Casielles. In her PhD she has researched the Spanish colonial memory through the work of Moroccan and Saharawi authors writing in Spanish. In a similar field, she has published Los cantos inolvidables. Souffles: a Moroccan magazine of poetry and politics between colonialism and the years of lead (2018); she has collaborated to the documentary Provincia 53. Memorias cruzadas del Sáhara Occidental; and she has translated from French the anthology of the Moroccan poet Abdellatif Laâbi Desde la otra orilla (2017). She currently co-coordinates the culture section of the magazine La Marea.

Ibrahim Ibnou Goush
. Son of Berber immigrants, migrated to Tangier and from Tangier to Madrid. Graduated in performing arts at the Cuarta Pared. His career has led him to meet great directors such as Brian de Palma, Laila Ripoll or Gerardo Olivares, and to participate in some series on Arab topics. He is currently involved with the company Micomicón, whose productions always have to do with historical memory. His latest production, "Rif (de piojos y gas mostaza)" (2021), deals with the Annual Disaster (1921), the use of chemical weapons in the Rif and its consequences in the 20th century.

Marta Echaves. Interested in the intersection between research, writing and artistic practice, her projects aim to revisit images and metaphors associated with specific epochal contexts, focusing on intimate experiences and anecdotes, as detonators of poetic devices of memory, as well as the violence and losses that cross this type of archives and the need for practices and rituals of restitution and collective mourning.

Youssef El Maimouni is the director of an educational center for young people in Barcelona where he promotes the values of non-formal education and makes the new generations aware of their transcultural character. He is the author of Cuando los montes caminen, the first novel of the civil war from the point of view of a Moroccan, and which begins the Trilogy of discrimination, with which he intends to address part of the invisible conflicts of the delicate relations between Spain and Morocco.



Las hazañas del hombre blanco, a debate
El País, Planeta Futuro

Article by Analía Iglesias about the first chapter of "Tetuan, Tetuán, Titwan". Read here (Spanish)

Especial ARCOmadrid Residencias de Artistas
exibart españa
February 2022

Interview about my experience of artist residencies. Read here (p. 48-49)



De cine, colaboraciones y canciones
Cineteca, Madrid
15.02 — 7:30pm

Screening of the first chapter of the trilogy "Tetuan, Tetuán, Titwan" shot in Barcelona (33 min, 2021), in the context of the development of the second chapter in Madrid, in residency at Matadero. It will be accompanied by the video "I Can Only Dance to One Song" (10 min, 2021) by Arash Fayez. The screening will be followed by a conversation about our collaborative methodologies, the issues that cross our work and the role of songs in relation to historical and social issues, moderated by Ane Rodríguez Armendariz.

More infos and tickets

Image credit: Adrian Schindler, "Tetuan, Tetuán, Tetwan (Chapter 1)", film still, 2021. Arash Fayez, "I Can Only Dance to One Song", production still by Eva Carasol, 2021.



Spectres of Morocco
Empathy & Risk, London
11.02 — 6pm

1 Borthwick St, London SE8 3GH

Performers: Ali el Aziz and Adrian Schindler
Scenography and costumes: Claire Chassot
Assistant dramaturg: Alba Sanmartí Masdeu

The performance will be followed by group discussion, Q&A and drinking reception.

Event produced by Looking Forward and Empathy & Risk.
Team: Burçak Yakici, Carolina Lio, Katerina Matheson, Giulia Menegale.
With the support of Acción Cultural Española and Sheffield Hallam University.


Group show

Notes for an Eye Fire, Panorama 21
MACBA, Barcelona

Curated by Latitudes (Max Andrews and Mariana Cánepa Luna) and Hiuwai Chu.

After three years of research and several preliminary steps, I am thrilled to present the first chapter of the film "Tetuan, Tetuán, Titwan", developed in collaboration with Salma Amzian (researcher and activist), Ali el Aziz (actor), Rita El Jebari (singer), Abdel Aziz El Mountassir (actor and activist) and Itzea Goikolea-Amiano (researcher).

Produced by Lejos lejos and Anna Manubens
Cinematography: Sara Gallego and Pablo Paloma
Sound: Hamid E. Martín
Assistant director: Elisa Celda
Production manager: Andrea Celda
Editing: Caterina Monzani
Color: Clara Rus
Gaffer: Bruno Carbonetto
Still photography: Heidi Ramírez

The film trilogy "Tetuan, Tetuán, Tetwan" deals with the traces that the colonial past in Morocco has left in Spanish society through an experimental collaborative methodology. It examines cultural production, public space and the collective imaginary through the prism of the ghost, understood as an echo of silenced voices and historical facts. Developed with Moroccan and Spanish cultural agents, the project explores narrative strategies to resignify places such as the Plaça Tetuan in Barcelona, the neighborhood of Tetuán de las Victorias in Madrid or the cinema “Español” in the proper city of Tetwan, Morroco.

The first chapter (Barcelona) focuses on the implication of representation in power relations and the continuity of orientalist and colonial iconography, giving thus rise to a critical reflection on the distribution of the roles and the mechanisms of the film itself. Punctuated by readings, conversations and fictional scenes at the foot of monuments, in cafés and a museum, it upholds the idea that orality can offer resistance to hegemonic discourses and favor the emergence of other imaginaries.

Image: film poster 1/3 designed by Sofia Fahli and silkscreen printed at Taller 57, Barcelona.

More infos about the show



Matadero Madrid Centre for Contemporary Creation
January-July 2022

Granted a six month residency at the Center for Artists in Residence of Matadero Madrid, to develope the second chapter of the film trilogy "Tetuan, Tetuán, Titwan". Throughout the residency, the chapter about Madrid will be developed by means of public activities and exercises with collaborators, which will take place both in Matadero and in other spaces of the city.


Group show

Académie des Beaux-Arts, Paris

Exhibition of the former residents of the Casa de Velázquez, Madrid. With Liza Ambrossio, Bianca Argimon, Laía Argüelles, Rudy Ayoun, Iván Castiñeiras, Julien Deprez, Guillaume Durrieun, Emma Dusong, Francisco Ferro, Silvia Lerín, Clara Marciano, Callisto Mc Nulty, Alessandra Monarcha Souza e Silva Fernandes and Xie Lei.


Online panel

feedforward Morocco
Looking Forward / Empathy&Risk, London

Online research day about cooperation and practices developing between Europe, UK and Morocco. With Soukaina Aboulaoula (Untitled Duo, Marrakech), Jessica El Mal (A.MAL Projects, MA/UK), Farah Fawzi (British Council Morocco), Mohammed Laouli (MA/DE/FR), Francesca Masoero (LE18, Marrakech), Myriam Mouflih (UK), Elisabeth Piskernik (Le Cube, Rabat) and Adrian Schindler (FR/ES). Moderated by Carolina Lio and Burçak Yakici.



Espectros de Marruecos
Espositivo, Madrid
28.11 — 7:30pm

Performers: Ali el Aziz and Adrian Schindler
Scenography and costumes: Claire Chassot
Assistant dramaturg: Alba Sanmartí Masdeu

With the support of Ayuntamiento de Madrid.
More infos about the performance here.



Canta la pared
The Green Parrot, Barcelona
10.09 — 7:30pm

A conversation with actor Ali el Aziz and singer Rita El Jebari, based on a scene from the film I am producing, addressing the history and art of Kharboucha, a Moroccan singer from the late 19th-early 20th century who called for resistance to the abuses of power through her songs. An evening of storytelling and singing that will reflect the collaborative methodology and the role of orality, translation and listening within the film itself.

As part of the solo show “The Roles (Notes for a Film)” held at The Green Parrot, Barcelona, from July 15th to September 24th.

Image: shooting of "Tetuan, Tetuán, Tetwan", Barcelona, June 2021. Photo by Heidi Ramírez.


Solo show

Los papeles (apuntes para una película)
The Green Parrot, Barcelona

For the past two years, Adrian Schindler has been examining the traces that the colonial past in Morocco has left in Spanish society, as much in cultural production and public space as in the collective imaginary. He is currently developing a film with a group of actors/actresses, researchers and activists, where he addresses the implication of representation in power relations, while giving rise to a critical reflection on the filmic mechanisms themselves. Shortly after the shooting of the first chapter in Barcelona, and in parallel to the editing, he reflects for The Green Parrot on the distribution of the roles and the collaborative methodology employed during the production, as well as on the encounters and exchanges that contributed to its development (among others a performance, a round table and a reading group).

With the words of Salma Amzian, Ali el Aziz, Abdel Aziz El Mountassir, Helios Fernández Garcés, Nancy Garin, Daniel Gasol, Itzea Goikolea-Amiano, Joana Hurtado Matheu, Núria Gómez Gabriel, Anna Manubens, Violeta Mayoral, Wendelien van Oldenborgh, Lucia Piedra Galarraga, Reinaldo Ribeiro, iki yos piña narváes funes and photographs by Heidi Ramírez.

As part of Art Nou 2021.

Images: shooting of "Tetuan, Tetuán, Tetwan", Barcelona, June 2021. Photo by Heidi Ramírez.


Screening and talk

Séance spéciale
FID Marseille / Cinéma Les Variétés
23.07 — 4pm

Screening of The Fig, the Spine, the Shield (2020) produced with Eulàlia Rovira and conversation with Fabienne Moris, programming coordinator and FIDLab head, about the methodology and research behind my upcoming film "Tetuan, Tetuán, Tetwan".

Within the framework of the partnership between Casa de Velázquez and FID Marseille.




The video The Fig, the Spine, the Shield (2020) produced with Eulàlia Rovira has been acquired by the Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya, to become part of the Col·lecció Nacional d’art Contemporani deposited at MACBA, Barcelona.


Group show

Casa de Velázquez, Madrid

Exhibition of the residents of the Casa de Velázquez. With Liza Ambrossio, Bianca Argimon, Laía Argüelles, Rudy Ayoun, Iván Castiñeiras, Julien Deprez, Guillaume Durrieun, Emma Dusong, Francisco Ferro, Silvia Lerín, Clara Marciano, Callisto Mc Nulty, Alessandra Monarcha Souza e Silva Fernandes and Xie Lei.


Solo show, performance and screening

Moving Strata with the Tongue
Pradiauto, Madrid

Pradiauto hosts the first FOCUS session of the Institute for Postnatural Studies that focuses on the artistic practice of Eulàlia Rovira and Adrian Schindler.

The works gathered in this exhibition allude to the human desire to influence nature and exploit its resources, focusing on minor cases such as a fruit discarded by global consumption, the control and spillage of fluids in a post-industrial city or the extraction of proto-oil by throwing rocks into the fire.

Their collaborative practice is structured by writing and involves exercises of displacement for both the eye that looks and the voice that narrates. Moving between subsoil and surface, they pass through gases, bones, chemicals, divinities, technologies and plants, in an attempt to subvert the centrality of the subject.

The exhibition will be accompanied by a performance, a screening and a talk.

Áridos, cloro, dientes, termoplásticos
Performance, 20 min, 2018-19
Friday 11 June, 7pm & Saturday 12 June, 12am

Un paisaje ordenado
Video, 37 min, 2017
Screening followed by a talk between the artists and the Institute for Postnatural Studies
Tuesday 15 June, 7pm

Tickets on sale at eventbrite.


Reading group

A quienes la inspiraron y no la leerán: Goytisolo, Marruecos y el Otro
(To those who inspired it and will not read it: Goytisolo, Morocco and the Other)
MACBA, Barcelona
7, 14, 21 and 28 of April, 6-8pm

The reading group A quienes la inspiraron y no la leerán* proposes a critical approach to the theoretical and fictional work of Juan Goytisolo, influenced by Morocco. Contrasting his ambition to deconstruct the islamophobic literary tradition with the fantasies that inhabit his novels, we will address issues such as the construction of the image of the Other in Spain, the ghosts of the colonial project and the tensions inherent to decolonial works developed by white cultural agents. We will read excerpts from the novels Reivindicación del conde Don Julián (1970), Juan sin tierra (1975) and Makbara (1980), as well as from the essay collection Crónicas Sarracinas (1981). The sessions will be carried out with Salma Amzian, Núria Gómez Gabriel and iki yos piña narváez funes, who will contribute to examine Goytisolo's contradictions and potentialities through other literatures and epistemologies.

The meetings will take place in the Parc de la Ciutadella, near a colonial monument and an orientalist sculpture.

*Dedication from Makbara.

Registration on the museum website

Salma Amzian researches and writes from a decolonial perspective on the imbrication of race, class and gender. She also focuses on the migration of experiences of oppression and resistance of racialized communities in Spain. She has a degree in History and Social Anthropology (UAB), and is pursuing a PhD in Migration Studies (UGR).

Núria Gómez Gabriel is a researcher in the field of contemporary visual culture. Her practice crosses critical pedagogies, writing and curatorship. She holds a PhD in communication with the thesis Espectropolíticas. Imagen y hauntología en las prácticas artísticas contemporáneas, by the Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona (2021).

iki yos piña narváez funes: Afrocaribeñx, performer, essayist and drawer. They investigate, from their own bodies, issues related to Caribbean negritudes, radical black thought, decoloniality and black time. They are part of the collective Ayllu.

Image: Detail of the sculpture "Lion Hunter" by Agapit Vallmitjana i Abarca (1893).



The film Tetuan, Tetuán, Tetwan has received a "Support for artistic projects" grant awarded by the Centre National des Arts Plastiques (CNAP) for it's further development.

The project La plaga, el profit developed in collaboration with Eulàlia Rovira has received a "Premis Barcelona 2020" grant awarded by the Institut de Cultura de Barcelona (ICUB).

The performance Specters of Morocco will be able to travel to London in the fall 2021 thanks to the "PICE Mobility Grant", awarded by the Acción Cultural Española (AC/E). On an invitation by the curatorial agency Looking Forward.


Group show

Cruce, Madrid

Exhibitions of the residents of the Casa de Velázquez, Madrid. With Liza Ambrossio, Bianca Argimon, Laía Argüelles, Rudy Ayoun, Iván Castiñeiras, Julien Deprez, Guillaume Durrieun, Emma Dusong, Francisco Ferro, Silvia Lerín, Clara Marciano, Callisto Mc Nulty, Alessandra Monarcha Souza e Silva Fernandes and Xie Lei.

Image: Fragment of the performance Specters of Morocco based on the roles played by actor Ali el Aziz. Part of the installation El deseo, el miedo, el desprecio, illustrated historical documents (1860-1978), iron plate, magnets and poster, 73x125cm and 60x42 cm, 2021.


Round table

Reconocer, reunirse, resignificar
(Recognizing, gathering, resignifying)
Fabra i Coats Centre d'art contemporani de Barcelona
09.01 — 6.30pm

Conversation between Salma Amzian (researcher and activist), Ali el Aziz (actor), Adrian Schindler (artist) and Anna Manubens (curator)

By drawing on a collection of illustrated historical documents, the meeting will examine the orientalist and colonial imaginary that Spain has forged about "the Moroccan other" in the last century and a half and the forms, visible and invisible, under which it survives nowadays. On the basis of the works of Wendelien van Oldenborgh and the performance "Specters of Morocco" (2020) by Adrian Schindler, the group will reflect with a plurality of perspectives on the potential and contradictions of allied artistic practices that are attentive to the different positions of enunciation and the mechanisms of power inherent to representation.

Activity organized in the frame of Wendelien van Oldenborgh's exhibition tone tongue mouth at Fabra i Coats Centre d'art contemporani de Barcelona, curated by Anna Manubens. Running until January 17th. More infos

Image credit: Research material for the project Ágora Otro/a.


Group show

Ara mateix: tot està per fer i tot és possible
Arts Santa Mònica, Barcelona

Eulàlia Rovira and I are presenting our latest video, The Fig, the Spine, the Shield, as part of the group show Ara mateix curated by Rosa Lleó and Chus Martínez.

With Javier Peñafiel, Pedro Torres, Fito Conesa, Núria Güell, Irene Solà, Tere Recarens, Gema Polanco, Anna Malagarida, Mercedes Azpilicueta, Blanca Casas Brullet, Patricia Dauder, Bernat Daviu and Regina Giménez.

The exhibition forms part of Loop Festival 2020. More info in e-flux.

Image: Still from The Fig, the Spine, the Shield, HD video, 10 min, 2020.



Nothing Compares
Meetings Pro LOOP Barcelona
19.11 — 10:30–12am

Taking part in the debate "Capturing device. Avoiding the practical reproduction of what one tries to denounce" moderated by Anna Manubens within the framework of LOOP Studies 2020. With Wendelien van Oldenborgh, Juan Canela, Nancy Garín, Carles Guerra and Amelie Mckee & Melle Nieling.

“Capturing device” is at once the technical definition of a camera but also its potential ethical consideration if used in a way that replicates the violence it intends to portray. Using as a backdrop the exhibition tono lengua boca, first retrospective of Wendelien van Oldenborgh that is currently on view at Fabra i Coats in Barcelona, the conversation intends to explore ways in which a form of coherence exists between the subject matter of a film and the way in which its production is handled. More particularly it focuses on how to look at forms of colonial exploitation while self-critically seeking not to reproduce the very forms of power that are supposedly denounced. This exploration will also be the occasion to inquire about a genealogy of filmmaking in relation to postcolonial studies in the Spanish context or rather about the scarce examples of such genealogy and the reasons for such an absence. More generally this encounter and the geopolitical context in which it takes place will be an occasion to share hopeful examples of coherence between concept and practice from which to pull political inspiration in grey times.



Espectros de Marruecos / Spectres du Marroc
Performance, 30 min, 2020

Very happy to continue working on this piece with such great people and to present it on two occasions, both in France and Spain:

Centre d'art Le Lait, Albi
26.09 — 5pm
As part of the festival The Opposite of Fatalism curated by Antoine Marchand and Jeremiah Day. Presented in French.

Hangar, Barcelona
03.10 — 5:30pm
As part of the program Paratext #46. Presented in Spanish.

Performers: Ali el Aziz and Adrian Schindler
Scenography and costumes: Claire Chassot
Assistant dramaturg: Alba Sanmartí Masdeu

Image credit: Performance at the National Archive of Catalonia, Sant Cugat, 2020. Photos by Eva Carasol.



Casa de Velázquez, Madrid
September 2020–July 2021

Awarded a one-year position as member of the Academy de France à Madrid to develop the project Ágora Otro/a [Agora Other]. More info about the project

Image credit: Objects and works of art related to the Hispano-Moroccan War (1859–60) at the Museo del Romanticismo, Madrid. Research material for Ágora Otro/a.



One of the posters of the project "Occupez ces mains rebelles!" [Keep these rebel hands busy!] featured in the article Why do I keep on working?… For the revolution… by Gisela Chillida at A*Desk Critical Thinking.



Comment la mèche a pris
Château Nour, Brussels
August 1st — 6/7pm

Reading followed by an informal talk around a mint tea.

A poem at the foot of the buildings of the square, following a month of exchanges with the inhabitants on an open window sill. A micro-history of the Rif in Cureghem, its hopes and repression.

Public presentation of the first steps of the project "Occupez ces mains rebelles!" [Keep these rebel hands busy!], as part of the residency at Château Nour, Brussels, invited by Clovis XV. With the support of the Goethe-Institut Brussels as part of the program Perruche



Recipient of a grant for research and innovation in the fields of visual arts from the Department of Culture of the Government of Catalonia (OSIC) for the project "Àgora Altre" [Agora Other], to be developed in residency at Casa de Velázquez, Madrid.

The video Keel/Reef (2019), produced in collaboration with Eulàlia Rovira, has been selected for the audiovisual platform for performing arts, music and visual arts content of the Culture area of the Barcelona Provincial Council (La Xarxa).



Château Nour, Brussels

In July 2020, I will be in residence at Château Nour to work on the project "Occupez ces mains rebelles!" [Keep these rebel hands busy!], a new chapter of my research on the socio-cultural impacts in Europe of the colonial past in Morocco. Starting from the coincidence that the social housing complex of the Square Albert 1er (where the residency is located) was inaugurated the same year as the Rif revolt (1958), I will focus on the history of the Rif diaspora in the Cureghem district. I will initiate exchanges with neighbors and cultural actors around the links between colonialism, economic growth in Northern European countries, urbanism and the repression of popular uprisings.

Invited by Clovis XV, with the support of the Goethe-Institut Brussels, as part of the program Perruche.



Espectres del Marroc
National Archive of Catalonia, Sant Cugat (ES)
23.01.20 — 7pm

Performance with actor Ali El aziz
Scenography by Claire Chassot

As part of the cycle "On és la performance?" organized by Centre d'Art Maristany, Sant Cugat.
Location: Arxiu Nacional de Catalunya, Carrer de Jaume I, 33, 08195 Sant Cugat

Image credit: Research material for Espectres del Marroc (Specters of Morocco), 2019.



Casa Aymat, Sant Cugat

Production of the performance "Specters of Morocco" with artist Claire Chassot and actor Ali El Aziz. Produced by Centre d'Art Maristany, Sant Cugat, with the collaboration of Arxiu Nacional de Catalunya.

Image credit: Research material presented during the talk "Lyrisme expansionniste", Mahal Art Space, Tangier.



Casa de Velázquez, Madrid

Artistic research residency in the frame of an exchange grant Hangar—Casa de Velázquez. info

Image credit: Atelier at Casa de Velázquez, Madrid, 2019. Photo by Benjamin Mouly.



Keel/Reef (2019)
Video work produced in collaboration with Eulàlia Rovira.

Zwitschermaschine, Berlin
As part of the group show ~water~sound~city curated by Francisco Petrucci as part of the program SoundsAbout. info

Palau Guëll, Barcelona
Show of the Fundació Güell Visual Arts Grant 2018. info

NoguerasBlanchard (storage), L'Hospitalet
16.11 — 7pm
Screening as part of Loop Festival City Screen, curated by Gracias por su visita. info



L'arc et la flèche
Collège des Bernardins, Paris
26.10 — 3:30pm

Performance with Romain Trinquand, as part of the group show "Il est plus beau d’éclairer que de briller seulement", curated by Sophie Monjaret. With Gwendoline Perrigueux, Anne Rochette and Cyril Zarcone.


Photo by Service Audiovisuel Bernardins



Aggregates, Chlorine, Teeth, Thermoplastics
La Escocesa, Barcelona
24.10 — 7pm

Performance with Eulàlia Rovira, as part of the program "En tanto hay tacto", curated by Beatriz Alonso and Pablo Martinez. Organized by Sant Andreu Contemporani. With Sofía Montenegro, Valentina Alvarado and Carlos Vásquez Méndez.




Lyrisme expansionniste
Mahal Art Space, Tangier
27.09 — 5pm

As part of the programme Pédagogies invisibles (Prélude), curated by Nouha Ben Yebdri.
With the support of Goethe-Institut Marokko and Institut Français de Tanger.


Image credit: Adrian Schindler, Pareo #2 (Plaza de Tetuan), silkscreen on fabric, bamboo, cement, 2019 (detail). Photo by Roberto Ruiz.



Festival Des artistes chez l’habitant 2019, Fiac (FR)

With Anne Deguelle, Célie Falières, Ariane Loze, Florent Poussineau, Bettina Samson, Adrian Schindler, Nissrine Seffar and Emmanuel Simon.

Curated by Antoine Marchand (Centre d'art Le Lait, Albi). Invited curators: Emmanuelle Hamon (Les Abattoirs, Toulouse) and Paul de Sorbier (Maison Salvan, Labège). Organized by l'AFIAC, with the support of Les Abattoirs, Musée – Frac Occitanie Toulouse.



Solo show

With Eulàlia Rovira
Homesession, Barcelona

Opening: Thursday July 4th — 7pm

As part of Art Nou 2019.
Project winner of Fundació Guëll's Visual Art Price 2018.

More info

Image credit: Eulàlia Rovira and Adrian Schindler, Keel/Reef, 2019 (production still). Courtesy of the artists.


Solo show

Trajeron a mis playas un mundo entre las garras del león
(They brought to my beaches a world between the claws of the lion)
El Born Cultural and Memorial Center, Barcelona

With the students Arles Aguilar, Lua ix Balam, Joel Bercedo, Lucia Guzman, Daniil Ivanov, Óscar Jiménez, Lina Marsi, Pablo Penedo, Mateo Pérez, Cristhian Carlo Pullpaxi, Anita Schiappa, Ximena Solares, Lola Valiente, Arnau Vivas, Jiayi Xu and the teacher Miriam Lanzaco.

Opening on Wednesday 29th, at 6pm

From Tuesday to Sunday, 10am—8pm
(opened on Monday 10th)

This project has been carried out on the occasion of the 10th edition of Creadors EN RESiDÈNCiA als instituts de Barcelona, a programme of the Institut de Cultura de Barcelona (ICUB) and the Consorci d'Educació de Barcelona, conceived in cooperation with the Associació A Bao A Qu. My residence at Institut Verdaguer has been curated and coordinated by the the Associació A Bao A Qu.

More info


Price/Group show

Recuerda el fuego de agosto
Fabra i Coats—Centre d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona

Shortlisted with Eulàlia Rovira for the Premi Miquel Casablancas 2019 (modality WORK), with the series "The reins should feel like silk in your hands" (2018).

Group show with the finalists Irene de Andrés, Gerard Ballester, Juan Baraja, Adélaïde Feriot, Cristina Garrido, Abel Jaramillo, Xim Llompart, Antonio Menchen, Pablo del Pozo, Mario Santamaría and Rosa Vallori.

Opening on May 17th, 7pm

Organized by Sant Andreu Contemporari, Barcelona. More infos.



En Residència
Artist in residence at the high school Institut Verdaguer, Barcelona, as part of the program En Residència, organized by Barcelona's Culture Institute (ICUB) and mediated by the cultural association A Bao A Qu.

In collaboration with the Arxiu Fotogràfic de Barcelona and El Born Cultural and Memorial Center.

Photo credit: Agnès Sebastià (A Bao A Qu)


Artist talk/Workshop

On Ghosts and Ornaments
Facultat de Belles Arts, Universitat de Barcelona

25/03 — 6/8pm Artist talk
26/03 — 6/9pm Workshop

With Eulàlia Rovira, as part of the program Polaritats organized by Homesession and the pedagogical innovation group "Art. Profesión y docencia" of the Faculty of Fine Arts of Barcelona.

Image: Original fence of the semibasement of Gaudí's Casa Milà. In Joan Bassegida i Nonell, La Pedrera de Gaudí, Fundació Caixa de Catalunya, 1987.



Casa de Velázquez
Recipient of the exchange grant Hangar—Casa de Velázquez for a research residency at Casa de Velázquez (Madrid) during the fall 2019. In cooperation with the Institut Français Barcelone.



About the opening of etHALL's new gallery space and our performance Aggregates, Chlorine, Teeth, Thermoplastics on that occasion:

L’H. The centre is on the outskirts
Article by Roberta Bosco for Mirador de les arts
Read here (eng/cat/cast)

Una galería reimaginada
Article by Isabel Lázaro for ABC Cultural, 02/03/19 (p. 22)


Reading group

Reading Group Liebe Lony
One Gee In Fog, Chêne-Bourg (Geneva)

Friday February 22 — 6:30pm

Organized in the context of RPDP-A (Research Platform and Doctoral Practice in Arts), Geneva.

One Gee In Fog
25 rue de Genève
1225 Chêne-Bourg (CH)



Aggregates, Chlorine, Teeth, Thermoplastics
Opening of etHALL's new exhibition space, L'Hospitalet (Barcelona)

Saturday February 16 — 12am/7pm

Performance with Eulàlia Rovira around 2pm
Along artists Jon Otamendi, Martín Vitaliti, Marc Vives and dj Gatasanta

Salvadors 24
08902 L'Hospitalet de Llobregat

Image credit: Photo by Eulàlia Rovira and Adrian Schindler. With the kind permission of Institut Català de Paleontologia Miquel Crusafont (ICP).



Artist based in Barna: Adrian Schindler
Interview by Montse Pereda Grillo for the magazine BCNMÉS.

Read here (spanish/catalan)



Coexistir múltiplement
An article by artist and researcher Mariona Moncunill for the online magazine Weekand, about the workshop Múltiples formes de coexistència Eulàlia Rovira and I led at L'Estruch, Sabadell, in October.

Read here (catalan)

Photo credit: Mariona Moncunill



Aggregates, Chlorine, Teeth, Thermoplastics
Tercero A, Barcelona
Performance with Eulàlia Rovira

Sunday December 21 — 5pm

Tercero A is a performance program in a domestic space curated by artist Andrea Gómez.



Beca Arts Visuals 2018 Fundació Güell
Awarded the Visual Arts Grant 2018 by the Fundació Güell and Homesession, Barcelona, for the production of a new work in collaboration with Eulàlia Rovira.

More info at Fundació Güell and Homesession.



Cover Story, October 2018
I can’t take my eyes off you: Eulàlia Rovira and Adrian Schindler
An article by curatorial office Latitudes (Max Andrews and Mariana Cánepa Luna)

Read here: www.lttds.org/coverstory

Additional images of the performance I can’t take my eyes off you on Latitudes' blog



Archiv Familie Leder
Facultat de Belles Arts – Universitat de Barcelona (UB), Barcelona

Monday 16th Octobre — 4pm

On an invitation by curator and researcher Caterina Almirall, as part of her sociology of art class.


Performance workshop

Gaudir de la possible caiguda (Enjoying the possible fall)
Centre d'Art Maristany, Sant Cugat (ES)
8.10–19.11.18 — 6–9pm

Public presentation on Monday 26th Novembrer — 7:30pm
Casa Aymat, Sant Cugat

More info



Múltiples formes de coexistència
L'Estruch, Sabadell (ES)
4.10–5.10.18 — 6–9pm

Performance and writing workshop led by Eulàlia Rovira and Adrian Schindler

Public presentation on Friday 19th October — 6pm

More info


Group show

Cream cheese and pretty ribbons!
Galerie Martin Janda, Vienna
14.09 — 13.10.2018

Curated by Latitudes (Max Andrews & Mariana Cánepa Luna)
With David Bestué, Sean Lynch, Eulàlia Rovira and Adrian Schindler, and Batia Suter

Opening: Thursday 13th September 2018 — 6pm

New performance on Friday 14th September — 6pm
One motif says to the other: I can’t take my eyes off you

Galerie Martin Janda
Eschenbachgasse 11
A-1010 Vienna

More info
Image credit: Eulàlia Rovira & Adrian Schindler, The reins should feel like silk in your hands (detail: Ana and Ropes), 2018


Artist talk

Rising from black smoke shines the smile of Plutus
Musée de Bibracte, Saint-Léger-sous-Beuvray (FR)

Wednesday August 18, 6:30pm

With Eulàlia Rovira and Caterina Almirall, co-editor of the publication "Walking in the dark with others".
In relation to the solo show "La part sombre" that runs untill November 11.

Musée de Bibracte
Mont Beuvray
71990 Saint-Léger-sous-Beuvray

More info



Aggregates, Chlorine, Teeth, Thermoplastics
Espai Dos, Sala Muncunill, Terrassa (ES)
Performance by Eulàlia Rovira and Adrian Schindler

Saturday July 21, 12:00 pm

The mass of water progresses in a block and flows strongly between the pillars. The distance between them is of five meters, but the opening does not seem to be sufficient to channel the current. The speed of the water increases. The materials it transports pile up against the pillars. No leakage, only opposition and resistance.

With the performance Aggregates, Chlorine, Teeth, Thermoplastics we end a journey of several weeks that has taken us from the last floor of an underground parking lot to the corridors of a paleontological reserve, through the slopes of a mountain and dog paths where flowers grow in the mud. This Saturday, like an accelerated car about to crash, the collected elements will collide in the room.

As part of the exhibition Imaginació Material, an ongoing process between curator Caterina Almirall, Eulàlia Rovira and Adrian Schindler that involves collaborative writing, walks and the making of wild flowers bouquets.

More info


Solo show

Imaginació material — Caterina Almirall, Eulàlia Rovira and Adrian Schindler
Espai Dos · Sala Moncunill
2.6.18 — 29.7.18

Ongoing process — Performance on July 21st, 12pm

Espai Dos · Sala Moncunill
Plaça Didó, 3
08221 Terrassa (ES)

More info
Photo credit: Clàudia Borràs


Lecture performance

The vulnerability of the snake at the time of sloughing its skin and the figure of the German soldier

Saturday June 23 — 7 pm / 8 pm

Reading of a new text written in response to the various meetings that took place during three weeks at Superdeals around the photographs taken by my great-grandfather during World War II.

4 Chaussée de Waterloo, 1060 Brussels



From June 4th to 26th, I will be in residence at Superdeals (Brussels) with the collection of photographs taken by my great-grandfather during World War II, which includes more than three hundred snapshots. I have studied these images for many years and have often written about them, but I have written little about my relationship with them and even less about how others look at them. During these three weeks, I will receive at the gallery on an individual basis those who would like to consult these photographs and, if they wish, discuss them with me. These meetings will voluntarily not be documented, but will feed in a diffuse way a writing work of which a first draft will be presented at the end of the residency. This project consists both in exposing a family archive to the interpretations, desires and questions of others, in setting up a space of trust where contradictory feelings can coexist in response to this type of historical documents, and in thinking about the possibility of writing in first person while carrying a multitude of voices. It is the first time that this collection will be presented in its entirety.

More infos


Reading group

Reading Group Liebe Lony: "Russia 15.10.1941 ­– 1.11.1941"
L'Estruch, Sabadell — Exhibition room

Saturday April 14 — 6pm

L’Estruch, Fàbrica de Creació de les Arts en Viu
C/ de Sant Isidre, 140, 08208, Sabadell

More infos


Solo show

La part sombre — Eulàlia Rovira and Adrian Schindler
Museum of Bibracte, Saint-Léger-sous-Beuvray
17.03 — 11.11.18

Opening: 15 March 2018 — 6pm

Musée de Bibracte
Mont Beuvray
71990 Saint-Léger-sous-Beuvray (FR)

More infos
Image credit: When you light this rock it burns like wood (detail), 2018


Group show

100% Beaux-Arts
Grande Halle de la Villette, Paris
23.03 — 08.04.18

Within the Festival 100%
Opening: 22 March 2018 — 6pm

La Villette
211, Avenue Jean Jaurès
75019 Paris

More infos



One writes and in the end the letters burn somewhere along the way
Michael Beron, Sam Parfitt and Adrian Schindler

Festival Reims Scènes d'Europe
La Comédie, Reims — Studio
10 Feb. 2018 — 3 pm
German, French and English

On an invitation by FRAC Champagne-Ardenne.

To the project
Photo credit: Ikram Bouloum



One writes and in the end the letters burn somewhere along the way
Michael Beron, Sam Parfitt and Adrian Schindler

Residency Showing
L'Estruch — Room 2
27 Jan. 2018 — 5 pm
German, English, Catalan and Spanish

To the project
Photo credit: © Axel Lambrette



Frieze Looking Back Series 2017
Barcelona and Beyond
An article by curator and contributing editor Max Andrews (Latitudes, Barcelona)

Read here: https://frieze.com/article/barcelona-and-beyond

‘Looking back’ in 2017 has frequently involved casting a critical eye much deeper into the past. How about 199.6 to 145.5 million years ago? [...]

Very glad to be mentioned with Eulàlia Rovira for our works An Orderly Landscape (2017) and A Fence, a Tapestry (2016).



Residency in L'Estruch, Sabadell in January 2018

Selected for a visual arts and performance residency with Michael Beron and Sam Parfitt at L'Estruch, Sabadell (Spain), with the project One writes and in the end the letters burn somewhere along the way.

To the project
Photo credit: © Axel Lambrette


Lecture and performance

Lecture: Donner corps, donner voix, donner forme à des documents de guerre
FRAC Champagne-Ardenne, Reims
13 Dec. 2017 – 6:30 pm

preceded by the performance
L'expression de la défaite (2017)
with Carolina Valencia Caicedo

More infos

The event takes place in the facilities of SciencesPo Paris, Campus de Reims at the same adress.

FRAC Champagne-Ardenne
Fonds Régional d'Art Contemporain
1, Place Museux
51100 Reims


Group show

17.10.17 – 13.01.18
Can Felipa, Barcelona

With Míriam C. Cabeza, Marc Herrero, Megan Michalak, Somos Nosotros, Art al Quadrat, Adrian Schindler and Andrés Vial.

The projects on view have been selected in the frame of Can Felipa's 2016 Open Call for Visual Arts. The exhibition has been tutored by the artist Javier Peñafiel and will be accompanied by a series of activities coordinated by Laia Ramos.

Opening: Tuesday 17th of October – 7:30 pm
Performance from 7:30 to 9 pm
Performed by Marina Fita and Carles Gilabert

Centre Cívic Can Felipa
Carrer de Pallars, 277
08005 Barcelona

Opening hours: Tuesday to Saturday, 5 – 9 pm



Residency in Bibracte in June and August 2017
Residency with Eulàlia Rovira at the European Archaeological Centre of Bibracte, Burgundy, France.
Solo exhibition scheduled for March 2018.


Book release and lecture-performance

Book presentation Itineraries and Detours of a Migrating Monument

19.07.17 – 7:30 pm
múltiplos, Barcelona

With a lecture-performance by Adrian Schindler followed by a conversation with Anna Pahissa, founder of the bookstore and distribution platform múltiplos.

Text : German, French and English
120 x 180 mm
96 pages (colour)
Edition of 300

Published by AKV Berlin
Designed by Oficina de disseny
Co-produced by FRAC Champagne-Ardenne

Carrer de Joaquín Costa, 24
08001 Barcelona


Screening and performance

An Orderly Landscape – LOOP Festival / City Screen
18.05.17 – 27.05.17
Pèrgam Llibres, Barcelona

Duration: 37 min.
Original version with English subtitles.

Opening City Screen / Trafalgar area on Tuesday May 23rd – 7-9 pm
Along Galeria Senda, Bombon Projects, Estudio Nómada, Lab 36, La Place and Mutuo.

On this occasion, we will present the performance A Fence, a Tapestry (2016).

Starts at 8:30 pm.
Duration: 15 min.
Language: Catalan.

Pèrgam Llibres
Passatge de Sant Benet, 7
08003 Barcelona
Monday to Saturday / 10am – 8pm


Book launch

Book launch Itineraries and Detours of a Migrating Monument

13.05.15 – 8:00 pm
Zabriskie, Berlin

With an introduction by AKV's Anna M. Szaflarski (German + Englisch) and a performative lecture by author Adrian Schindler (German).

Press Info:
In Itineraries and Detours of a Migrating Monument author Adrian Schindler investigates the complex circumstances under which a currently deserted Monument in Sedan (France), was originally erected by German soldiers in 1915. The work is composed of non-linear narratives, combining multi-language texts, photographs, poetics, and diagrams; describing the path of an unexpected route, from the ruins of the concrete monolith to the city of Berlin.

Text : German, French and English
120 x 180 mm
96 pages (colour)

Published by AKV Berlin
Designed by Oficina de disseny
Co-produced by FRAC Champagne-Ardenne

more info here.

Manteuffelstr. 73
10999 Berlin



Le fleuve armure / Der Rüstungsfluss
04.05.17 – 7 pm
La Capella, Barcelona

Duration: 45 min.
The performance will be presented in Spanish.
Booking at: lacapella@bcn.cat

La Capella
C/ de l'Hospital 56
08001 Barcelona


Screening and talk

An Orderly Landscape
03.05.17 – 7:30 pm
àngels barcelona

Duration: 37 min.
Original version with Spanish subtitles.

The screening will be followed by a conversation with Núria Gomez Gabriel.
Organised by LA KINO.

àngels barcelona
C/ Pintor Fortuny, 27
08001 Barcelona


Group show

La dissidència nostàlgica
03.03.17 – 30.04.17
La Capella, Barcelona

An exhibition curated by Joana Hurtado Matheu.

With works by Francesco Arena, The Atlas Group / Walid Raad, Lúa Coderch, Roger Guaus, Marine Hugonnier, Odó Hurtado, Ange Leccia, Richard McGuire, Deimantas Narkevicius, Aimar Pérez Galí, Suzanne Perrottet, Julien Prévieux, Anri Sala, Adrian Schindler and Danh Vo.

Opening on Thursday March 2nd - 7 pm

La Capella
C/ de l'Hospital 56
08001 Barcelona

More infos.


Group shows

Our new video work Un paisatge ordenat (An Orderly Landscape) will be presented in the following exhibitions:

Techno Blood
19.01.17 – 17.03.17
Sala d'Art Jove, Barcelona

With Sergio Monje, New Now, Eduardo Ruiz and Laura Torres

Opening on Thursday January 19th, 7:30pm

Organized by Gris García, Sira Pizà and Ricardo Trigo (Sala d'Art Jove Mediation Team 2016).
More infos about the exhibition here.

…at least a provisional way to settle in one place

20.01.17 – 28.02.17
Centro Cultural Montehermoso, Vitoria-Gasteiz

With Emilio Araúxo, Pedro Barateiro, Zigor Barayazarra, Josu Bilbao, Lúa Coderch, Janice Kerbel, Irene Kopelman, Louisa Martin, Amaia Molinet, Eriz Moreno, Enrique Radigales, Rodríguez-Méndez and Tina Vukasovic.

Opening on Friday January 20th

Curated by Komisario Berriak: Valerio Del Baglivo, Ángel Calvo Ulloa, Irati Irulegi, Laura Diez, Leyre Goikoetxea, Natasha Kadin, Pilar Cruz, Iker Fidalgo, Sonia Fernández Pan and Juan Luis Toboso. With Aimar Arriola, Tamara Díaz Bringas and Sabel Gavaldón.

In the context of Donostia / San-Sebastian 2016, Capital Europea de la Cultura.
More infos about the program here.




A Fence, a Tapestry
26.11.16 – 9:30 pm

A lecture-performance with Eulàlia Rovira

As part of the talks and performance program AFTER, organized by Sala d'Art Jove's mediation team 2016 (Gris García, Sira Pizà and Ricardo Trigo).

Full program here. More infos under Sala d'Art Jove.

Carrer de l'Alzina 21
08024 Barcelona



Can Felipa Arts Visuals 2016
Selected with the project Interpretacions d'una caixa negra (Interpretations of a Black-box), to be presented during 2017 at Can Felipa, Barcelona.


Group show

12.06.16 – 23.05.16
Turf Projects, Croydon (UK)

An exhibition curated by Alice Gale-Feeny and Oliver Tirré
With Sean Edwards, Lynn Fulton, Adrian Schindler & Eulàlia Rovira and Lucy Vannat

Opening on Friday June 11th - 6pm

Turf Projects
Keeley Road,
Croydon, London. CR0 1TF


Solo show

The Gaze Bounces Frenetically
Eulàlia Rovira and Adrian Schindler
29.05.16 – 18.06.16
Fireplace, Barcelona

The exhibition takes place within the program Espaces d'amis curated by Rosa Lleó for Loop Festival 2016. On an invitation by Quim Packard and Angela Palacios. The opening will unfold as a screening program.

Visits by appointment: +34 628 665 068 (morning) +34 690263741 (afternoon)

Finissage on Saturday June 18th - 12h30

The gaze spins around. The voice (with a certain foreign accent): Acknowledge the porosity of the plinth. The gaze moves slowly down to the horseshoes. The other voice: The name of the donor, the face of a saint, a naked citizen.
The gaze bounces frenetically from one fragment to another.

Carrer Taulat 42
08005 Barcelona



Performance evening Body // Language // Archive
23.05.16 – 7 pm
Ambulatorium Theater, Berlin

Presentation of the output of the performance workshop Body // Language // Archive. Performance with Michael Beron and Sam Parfitt around my great-grandfather's soldier letters.

A workshop organized by the association Mikub, that took place in Podum, Croatia in August 2015 and in Berlin-Weißensee in May 2016.

Revaler Strasse 99
10245 Berlin


Radio broadcast

Radio Kunci hosts : Le fleuve armure / Der Rüstungsfluss
19.05.16 – 9 pm
ZK/U – Studio 4, Berlin

Discussion around the new publication Le fleuve armure / Der Rüstungsfluss.

On an invitation by the artist Syafiatudina, as part of the broadcast program Radio Kunci, during ZK/U's Openhaus evening. The performance to which the publication is related was produced in residency at ZKU in 2012-2013.

ZK/U – Center for Arts and Urbanistics
Siemensstrasse 27
10551 Berlin


New publication/u>

Le fleuve armure / Der Rüstungsfluss

Publication designed by Oficina de disseny and printed at L'Automàtica in Barcelona.
French and german texts with twenty illustrations. Additional catalan and spanish translations by Eulàlia Rovira.
Black & white and blue offset print - 32 pages.
250 exemplars.



Cette année les commémorations n'auront pas lieu
This Year The Commemorations Won't Take Place

11.03.16 and 12.03.16 – 7pm
Le Centquatre-Paris

A project by Adrian Schindler, Eulàlia Rovira and Romain Trinquand, produced in residency at Le Centquatre (2014-2016)
Presented as part of the exhibition Matérialité de l'invisible.

On stage nothing is fixed, not even the stones. In this ever-changing space, two protagonists evolve with doubtful memory-keepers outfits and a commun desire for running away and changing identity. But how would you escape your destiny when it is cast in stone? Slowly, tiny epics - from a rest area parking lot to wild animals tracks - take over History. Rather than making a judgement on memorial questions, the performance This Year The Commemorations Won't Take Place sneaks into a crack, inviting us to take other paths in the shadow of high steles.


5 rue Curial
75019 Paris

With the support of N.A Fund

Image by Laureen Haag (video still).