Adrian Schindler
Tetuan, Tetuán, Titwan
Tetuan, Tetuán, Titwan (Ch. 2) [film]
Tetuan, Tetuán, Titwan (Ch. 2) [exhibition]
Versos para el cielo del Rif
Preludio a un cancionero anticolonial
Tetuan, Tetuán, Titwan (Ch. 1) [film]
Tetuan, Tetuán, Titwan (Ch. 1) [exhibition]
Los papeles (apuntes para una película)
A quienes la inspiraron y no la leerán
Reconocer, reunirse, resignificar
Espectros de Marruecos
Occupez ces mains rebelles !
Comment la mèche a pris
Trajeron a mis playas un mundo entre las garras del león
En Residència
Archiv Familie Leder
Would you like to look at the photographs of a German soldier?
La vulnérabilité du serpent au moment de la mue
One writes and in the end the letters burn somewhere along the way
Reading Group Liebe Lony
The Expression of Defeat (installation)
The Expression of Defeat (performance)
3400 g - 1,100° C
Buildings, bridges, monuments
Les yeux dans l'eau
Itineraries and Detours of a Migrating Monument (book)
Itineraries and Detours of a Migrating Monument (lecture)
This Year the Commemorations Won't Take Place
Le fleuve armure – Der Rüstungsfluss
Monuments are Small Ideas
Sketch for the Organs
With Eulàlia Rovira
La figa, l'espina, l'escut
Paraíso consumido
One motif says to the other: I can’t take my eyes off you
The reins should feel like silk in your hands
Aggregates, Chlorine, Teeth, Thermoplastics
La part sombre
An Orderly Landscape
The Feet Fixed to the Ground Betray No Impatience
A Fence, a Tapestry
Two German Horses
When Buildings No Longer Hold
An Egg, a Dome
Cortinas, containers y espinas
Trajeron a mis playas un mundo entre las garras del león
Walking in the dark with others
Aggregates, Chlorine, Teeth, Thermoplastics
Itineraries and Detours of a Migrating Monument
Le fleuve armure – Der Rüstungsfluss
An Orderly Landscape
When Buildings No Longer Hold
Wandering Border – The German War Memorial of the French City of Sedan
Memory and Lack – Around a Family War Archive
Full CV
Catalogues and press
built with indexhibit
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