Le fleuve armure – Der Rüstungsfluss
The Armour River
Performance, 45', 2013
The performance Le fleuve armure – Der Rüstungsfluss examines the genealogy and the strategic role of various bridges built on the Rhine, near the town where the motherly side of my family comes from. By means of the projection of archival images and personal photographs, the meanderings of the narrative lead us from the borders of the Roman Empire to the Allied occupation years in Germany, through the French religious wars and the Third Reich. This incursion into both a european and a family story, where the question of translation plays an important interpretative role, invites us to reconsider the flow of historical events from different banks.
Views of the performance at ZK/U — Center for Arts and Urbanistics, Berlin and Le Cenquatre, Paris. Photos by Jérôme Walter Gueguen and Alex Head.